Castel Doorphones

Improve your company security thanks to Wildix PBX integration with Castel doorphones.


Castel logo
  • Type of Integration: Wildix Certified
  • Type of Connection: SIP End point
  • Wildix Product Concerned: Doorphone


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About Xellip Castel Doorphones

A pioneer in professional IP intercom, CASTEL has developed XELLIP, the latest generation of Full IP / SIP audio video access and intercom intercom. Benefiting from numerous technological developments and advanced features, XELLIP uses the SIP protocol, which guarantees interoperability with the security ecosystem (access control, video surveillance, telephony, etc.) and is Full compatible with WILDIX solutions. With many models available, with keypad, name scrolling, integrated access control reader, etc., XELLIP intercoms meet the various security and communication needs of buildings.

About Castel

With more than 50 years of experience in voice and security, CASTEL is the French leader for the design and manufacture of access control and intercom solutions (IP / SIP, digital, analog) . CASTEL solutions make it possible to secure and manage installations in the most demanding environments: medical sector, car parks, transport, penitentiary, defense, tertiary buildings (banks, hotels, offices), industrial sites, education, etc.


  • Recommended browsers: the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or IE 9+.

Wildix Licence

Wildix UC-Basic

Level of Expertise

Expert +


  • available soon

Castel and Wildix Integration Supported Features

Control Access

Audio Stream

Video Stream

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They Already Installed This Integration

  • …La introducción de los cascos Plantronics, integrados con Wildix, han supuesto, como efecto positivo inmediato, un aumento de la productividad principalmente para los operadores del call center.

  • …Además, cuando nos movemos por los distintos pisos del hotel o del centro de congresos, Wildix Mobility ha cambiado nuestra forma de trabajar porque nos permite ser más libres en nuestros movimientos sin sacrificar la disponibilidad, algo fundamental en un hotel, donde siempre debe haber alguien disponible para realizar reservas o proporcionar información telefónica, en cualquier momento del día.

    Barbara Agos
    Barbara Agos Roseo Hotels - General Manager

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