Call Center Wallboard

Improve your call-agents performance by monitoring their SLA thanks to the Call Center Wallboard.


  • Type of Partnership: Standard
  • Type of Integration: Wildix Certified
  • Type of Connection: WebAPI
  • Product Category: Call Agent Monitoring
  • Wildix Product Concerned: Wildix PBX


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Call Center Wallboard

Wildix Call Center Wallboard allows you to monitor the call agents activity and provides the information on the SLA (service-level agreement) which helps to measure the call center performance.

About Call Center Wallboard

Since 2005, Wildix has been helping companies with 50 to 1000 users grow their businesses through UC&C, by creating the first web-based VoIP PBX UC&C system.

Wildix is for companies that want to increase their productivity with a secure-by-design tool.
Wildix brings value to companies around the world, with offices in Europe and the United States. The Center for Research and Development in Odessa, Ukraine has been in operation since 2007, deploying, supporting and even creating integrations.


  • WMS version: 4.01 or higher

Wildix License

Premium License

Level of Expertise

Expert +++

Call Center Wallboard and Wildix Integration Supported Features

Monitor the SLA for each call group

Dynamically add call group members

Visualize the actual SLA for each call group based on the parameters that you have set up and the average waiting time

Monitor the presence and activity status of each call group member

Receive the information on the number of agents in a call group (total number, number of users who are free, paused and talking on the phone) and on the total number of treated calls

See the idle time and conversation time for each group member

See the information on active calls with relative conversation and waiting time, and the number of calls in queue

See the information on each caller (both for active calls and calls in the queue)

Wildix Call Center Wallboard


They Already Installed This Integration

  • ... Désormais, la communication entre nous est devenue beaucoup plus simple, nous nous bombardons de post-it, nous tchatons, nous nous téléphonons, tout cela grâce à l’application Wildix pour smartphones. L’usage de Collaboration est entré dans nos habitudes en très peu de temps, car étant plus rapide et plus informel que les e-mails, cet instrument nous permet d’être toujours interconnectés, grâce à son intégration avec le gestionnaire de la structure.

  • ... Le répertoire partagé et la possibilité d’avoir une vue générale immédiate de la présence de collègues ont permis une réduction du temps de transfert des appels de 30%.

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