
Increase the performance of your hospital or medical facilities thanks to an integrated nurse call system.


  • Type of Partnership: Standard
  • Type of Integration: Wildix Certified
  • Type of Connection: ESPA 4.4.4
  • Product Category: Advanced nurse call solution
  • Wildix Product Concerned: Wildix PBX


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Wildix-BTicino innovative solution for Hospitals, Nursing Homes and medical facilities allows you to reduce costs, increase caregiver efficiency and patient satisfaction.

BTicino and Wildix present the advanced nurse call solution that ensures patients welfare and optimizes the daily work of caregivers.

About BTicino

Bticino S.p.A. is an Italian company that operates in the field of electrical low voltage equipment used for residential, employment and production and proposes solutions for the energy distribution, for the communication (intercoms and video intercoms) and for the control of light, sound, climate and security.

BTicino, with a number of plants and production facilities in Italy and abroad, as well as a successful, well-known brand name in more than 60 countries around the world, has been a part of the Legrand Group since 1989.


  • WMS version 4.x

Wildix Licence

Business Licence

Level of Expertise

Expert +++

Bticino S.p.A. and Wildix Integration Supported Features

Ringing programming and DECT display according to different scenarios

Sick call

Mobile phone redirection

Alarm SMS Notification

Wildix Bticino Hospital Solution


They Already Installed This Integration

  • L’introduzione delle cuffie Plantronics, integrate con Wildix, ha avuto, come immediato effetto positivo, un aumento della produttività soprattutto per gli operatori del call center che, lavorando nell’open space, godono di una qualità audio in uscita e in entrata notevolmente superiore rispetto a prima.

  • …Parlarsi ora è molto più facile, ci stiamo tempestando di post-it, quando non chattiamo o non ci telefoniamo, grazie all’App Wildix per smartphone. L’uso della Collaboration ci permettedi essere sempre interconnessi.

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