Optimize your team’s daily task with an integrated CRM.
- Type of Partnership: Standard
- Type of Integration: Developed by a Wildix Expert Partner
- Type of Connection: TAPI Driver
- Product Category: CRM
- Wildix Product Concerned: Wildix PBX
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BüroWARE is a flexible CRM that optimizes work processes and opens up considerable potential for rationalization to users.
In BüroWARE CRM, relationships, sales and contacts with customers, prospects and suppliers can be organized.
Thanks to Wildix-TAPI, BüroWARE CRM could be integrated with the Wildix telephone system. The TAPI driver was installed on a Windows 2012 server with remote desktop service. The outgoing and incoming calls, which also appear with a popup on the desktop, are managed directly by BüroWARE software on the client PC.
About BuroWare
SoftENGINE has been a manufacturer of ERP systems for trade, industry and the service sector for over 20 years.
SoftENGINE provides small and medium-sized companies with holistic solutions for company organization with CRM, ERP, finance, AnBu, KoRe, PPS, e-commerce and much more. to disposal. These solutions help companies with their commercial and business requirements.
- Wildix TAPI Driver Installed
- Windows 2012 server or Higher
Wildix Licence
Business Licence
Level of Expertise
Expert +
- Will be here soon
BuroWare and Wildix Integration Supported Features
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They Already Installed This Integration
L’introduzione delle cuffie Plantronics, integrate con Wildix, ha avuto, come immediato effetto positivo, un aumento della produttività soprattutto per gli operatori del call center che, lavorando nell’open space, godono di una qualità audio in uscita e in entrata notevolmente superiore rispetto a prima.
…Parlarsi ora è molto più facile, ci stiamo tempestando di post-it, quando non chattiamo o non ci telefoniamo, grazie all’App Wildix per smartphone. L’uso della Collaboration ci permettedi essere sempre interconnessi.
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