
Improve your company security thanks to Wildix PBX integration with Mobotix most secure product.


Mobotix logo
  • Type of Integration: Wildix Certified
  • Type of Connection: SIP End point
  • Wildix Product Concerned: Doorphone


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Mobotix T25 has been integrated with Wildix communication system to allow control access of a building or an office. Door phone can pass video and audio stream to VISION, WP600AXX phones, to browser or to Collaboration Mobile App for smartphones.

About Mobotix

The company focuses on the development of user-friendly complete system solutions from a single source.

MOBOTIX AG is the leading pioneer in network camera technology with headquarters in Germany. Since its foundation in 1999, one of the company’s focus has been to make high-resolution video systems cost-efficient. From 2010 onwards, MOBOTIX has been constantly extending its product range to include intelligent home automation products developed in-house.


  • WMS version: 4.01 or higher
  • Recommended browsers: the latest version of Chrome

Wildix Licence

Wildix UC-Basic

Level of Expertise

Expert ++

Mobotix and Wildix Integration Supported Features

Control Access

Audio Stream

Video Stream

Video title

Demo title

Video and language title


They Already Installed This Integration

  • … Wildix Mobility-tjänsten har ändrat sättet vi arbetar på. Vi är ofta på resande fot, på olika våningar på hotellet. Kommunikation är mycket lättare nu tack vare Wildix Mobilappar.

    Barbara Agos
    Barbara Agos Roseo Hotels - Vd
  • … De praktiska fördelarna med VoIP och samordnad kommunikation är uppenbara, men vi har också gjort en kostnads-nyttoanalys. Enligt prognosen kommer investeringen vara helt amorterad redan inom två år, vilket betyder att vi inom kort kommer ha en nettobesparing.

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