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The Smart Browser-Based Platform
for Managing Your Leads by Wildix

The tool to manage customers win over prospects communicate

in the easiest way

There are plenty of solutions for collaboration.
But when you need a tool to manage customers, win over prospects and communicate with colleagues in the easiest way possible there’s just one option: To Bee Smart.

x-bees by Wildix

This solution is COMING SOON

x-bees by Wildix

The only platform for sales that
allows you to save 25% time in daily operations, improving your performance in converting leads into customers. ​

x-bees is the web-based platform for internal and external communications. It allows you to collaborate with colleagues and manage leads from one access point*, reducing time spent on daily operations by 25% per employee while empowering sales performances.

Why bees?

Because they're the most collaborative animals in nature.

They are fast, productive and most of all cooperative in working to expand their hive.
Bee like them with Wildix!

This solution is COMING SOON

Wildix is the first UC browser-based solution tailored to your sales needs

The easiest way to communicate with colleagues and customers, thanks to all the features you need: chat, presence status, video and audio calls and desktop and document sharing.

Do you want to discover the first complete business communication package designed to increase sales?​

The Wildix complete business communication package. Designed to increase your revenue.

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