
Provide to your call agents an integrated and secured solution to increase their performance.


ContactQ - Wildix Partner
  • Type of Partnership: Standard
  • Type of Integration: Wildix Certified
  • Type of Connection: SIP End point
  • Product Category: Contact Center Application
  • Wildix Product Concerned: Wildix PBX


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ContactQ is Contact Centre application suite, consisting of powerful and full-featured modules that seamlessly connect business applications with the communications infrastructure to help companies achieve enhanced customer sales and service transactions.
ContactQ is an adjunct ACD/IVR system that integrates with Wildix PBX SIP Trunks. Traditionally, ContactQ is positioned behind the Wildix PBX connected via SIP channels.

About ContactQ

Founded in 1997, Braxtel Communications provides comprehensive customer contact center solutions that enable organizations to more easily, effectively and economically manage their customer interactions inbound or outbound across multiple channels, including phone, email, fax and Web.

In December 2002 Braxtel was acquired by Homisco, Inc. Founded in 1981, Homisco, based in Melrose, MA, is an established telecommunications supplier of hardware and software solutions for a variety of vertical markets. Braxtel operates as a subsidiary of Homisco with continued focus on the sale and support of its technology in the U.S. and Western Europe.


  • WMS version: 3.85 or higher

Wildix Licence

Business Licence

Level of Expertise

Expert +++


ContactQ and Wildix Integration Supported Features

Inbound calls from Wildix PBX forwarded to ContactQ

ACD Wildix PBX Diaplan sync with ContactQ interface

Secure IVR personalisation


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They Already Installed This Integration

  • ... Die Verwendung von Plantronics-Headsets, die in Wildix integriert wurden, zeigte sofortige positive Auswirkungen, da die Produktivität der Call-Center-Mitarbeiter, die im Open Space Büro arbeiten, stieg. Sie profitieren auch von einer wesentlich höheren Audioqualität als zuvor.

    Roberto Stronati
    Roberto Stronati Valore BF - Business Development Manager
  • ... Kommunikation ist jetzt viel einfacher auch dank der Smartphone-App. Wenn wir nicht am Telefon sprechen oder chatten, tauschen wir Post-it-Nachrichten aus. Wir haben uns ans neue Collaboration-Tool sehr schnell gewöhnt, da es schneller und zwangloser funktioniert als E-Mails und es uns so ermöglicht, immer in Kontakt zu bleiben. Zudem ist es komplett in die in unser Unternehmen verwendete Software integriert.

    Barbara Agos
    Barbara Agos Roseo Hotels - General Manager

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