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Solve360 is a cloud-based productivity CRM platform that allows users to manage and automate workflows. It simplifies all record keeping, scheduling, communication and information sharing. Solve360 is incredibly flexible and secure, with straight-forward controls over specific field data and who can access.



  • Activity templates: set activities listed on an existing contact, company or project blog that have been saved into a reusable template
  • Custom Fields & Category Tags: customize Solve records using custom fields to fine tune Solve to your needs
  • Pre-integrated Cloud Applications: organize your disparate application info into a single interface, streamlining how they are used
  • Link Emails: link email messages to corresponding contacts, companies and project blogs
  • Report & Update Activities: monitor and manage interactions with prospects and clients, complete existing projects and plan new projects
  • Mobile: preserve your workflow, while responding to new opportunities as they arise
  • Secure workgroups: save contacts, companies and project blogs so you can share them with a specific set of users
  • API & Webhooks: integrate Solve with your web site and other applications you use and create some pretty spiffy custom reports

Wildix Integration with Solve360

  • Popup URL
  • Actions from call popups (automatic opening of a caller’s contact record upon receiving or placing a call)

Technical Information

Demo video:

Open Solve360 contact record upon receiving an incoming call in Collaboration

Photo gallery

Info request

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