Service Public La région du Piémont : Le télétravail pour 2 700 employés Du transfert d’appels sur des téléphones portables à une collaboration efficace : voici comment la plateforme [...]
Public Services INPS and Wildix to empower the service to people The Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale (‘National Institute for Social Security’) is the main entity of the Italian [...]
Public Services Comune di Foggia and Wildix for a better support to their communications and offices Foggia is a city and former comune of Apulia, in Southern Italy, capital of the province of [...]
Public Services UniFi, the University of Florence, boosts their departments thanks to the Wildix UCC platform The University of Florence is an important and influential centre for research and [...]
Trade & services ICE – Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, is boosted by Wildix The ICE agency – Agency for the [...]
Financial Banca del Fucino relies on Wildix for their communications Banca del Fucino is a historic Roman private bank founded in 1923. It operates in the Metropolitan city of Rome and Lazio, [...]
Public Services The Italian Ministero degli Affari Esteri chose Wildix to support their international activities. The Italian Foreign Ministry is vested with the functions and tasks assigned to [...]
Public Services MEF Implements Wildix Telecoms Solutions Materiale Elettrico Firenze (MEF) is an electrical distributor based in Italy that focuses on the B2B market. MEF runs a nationwide chain [...]
Public Services Università Roma Tre met en place le système Wildix pour mieux servir ses étudiants L’Université Roma Tre est une jeune université pensée pour les jeunes. Fondée en 1992, [...]
Commerce Webtek choisit Wildix pour sa communication d’entreprise Une communication interne améliorée et simplifiée grâce à la communication unifiée Webtek est une agence de marketing et de [...]