When you want to offer Unified Communications and Collaboration services, you will learn it is not about features and functions, not about selling a telephone system, but about value. When you start the process of building a UC&C service, the American model of doing business does not build an ecosystem but the European ecosystem model does. Further, you want a modern design based on WebRTC which facilitates a rapid-to-market implementation.
Robert Cooper, US Manager and Co-Founder and CEO Steve Osler at Wildix old.wildix.com and Gary Audin recorded this podcast at the Enterprise Connect conference. Robert discusses browser-based communications using WebRTC. He discusses the success of their business model that is not only attractive to traditional VARs and SIs, but now of great interest to CLECs, ISPs, and MSPs. Robert has a goal to make Wildix customers profitable in 60 days. To deliver this, he provides the education and support necessary to ramp up to profitability rapidly.
Listen to the podcast here: telecomreseller.com