Advancements in technology… What if we had to move away to improve communication? In these exceptional times of pandemic and lockdown, can technology allow us to communicate better and limit travel?
Xavier Sejalon, IT manager at Aude’s CAF, answers confidently and with an affirmative tone to this quote by the famous author Harlan Coben.
It is within the scope of his national mission for CNAF, as a referent for technological innovation for 2 years, that Xavier Sejalon has participated in the development of the VisioContact tool, in partnership with Wildix. “Aude’s CAF has always included innovation in its DNA by looking for new services to offer to its beneficiaries. VisioContact is the evolution of a product previously called VisioPart, a heavy system that required the installation of software. We try to keep up with all the latest technologies in order to stay ahead and not suffer”.
It is with this desire to always provide the best service to its beneficiaries that the IT manager has chosen a totally web-based tool. In fact, faced with the multiplication of held systems according to social partners and the difficulty for beneficiaries to access services due to their location, the structure had to rethink its needs and respond, as closely as possible, to the requests of its beneficiaries. “Our beneficiaries are people who benefit from the services offered by Aude’s CAF through a national context, since CAFs have the same attribution system across the country. Our target audience is therefore the same in all of France, even though Aude is the second poorest department in France and we cover a fairly rural area. People live in more isolated areas, so our main goal is to optimize accessibility to public services”.
Facing a solution with limited ways out, computers were made available at MSAPs (Houses of Public Service) in order to limit customers’ travel and allow them to claim their services. The new tool created, VisioContact, now makes it possible to offer these same services, but directly from their homes with the only condition of having an adequate Internet connection.
If Xavier Sejalon is satisfied with the solution today and wishes to go even further, it’s thanks to the complete package of the Wildix solution that immediately convinced him: “A web-based solution that was in French, a demo that left an impression with a videoconference explored in very little time, a WebRTC module that was more than accessible, not to mention the proximity of the management and the agility of the R&D department, made me discard other solutions that we had previously considered, solutions that required the creation of an account or the downloading of a plug-in. We are aware that the operation took place directly, without first going through an integrator, and this is what gives us the feeling of being privileged because the goal was to find a complete solution that would meet our needs”.
“Wildix allowed us to develop our product by integrating videoconferencing, but also to take a new turn thanks to the integration of screen sharing. With Wildix’s many possibilities, we are testing a new version of VisioContact, VisioConnect, which allows us to integrate and test the chat functions combined with screen sharing during the support mission of our remote advisors. The beneficiaries are now pushed to make declarations remotely on our website following strict remote procedures, we must assist them with the best tools”.
What if Xavier Sejalon didn’t want to stop there? The developed solution has now been assigned to the national DSI for a generalization project for other CAFs, because if the product corresponds at first sight to local needs, the solution can be quickly extended to other CAFs listed in various departments. Wildix at the heart of a national launch? Today, 32 CAFs have joined VisioContact and more than 4,100 appointments have been made since the solution was installed. Although users seemed reluctant at first, they adopted the videoconferencing system very quickly. “We are living a great adventure! The barrier-free proximity and the simplicity of staying in touch with your teams are Wildix’s real strengths”.
We feel that we are privileged because we ended up with a complete solution that meets our demands. Wildix has enabled us to develop our product by integrating videoconferencing, but also to take a new turn thanks to the integration of screen sharing.
Xavier Sejalon,
IT manager at Aude’s CAF