General Wildix Trademark Guidelines
This page contains the guidelines to proper use of Wildix trademark
Wildix trademark
The name Wildix was created in 2003 and it is synonymous with high-quality Hardware and Software solutions. Wildix is a trademark, it can be used by the Wildix Partners or Wildix Clients once they get an authorisation from the Wildix Marketing Department.
To get an authorisation to use Wildix trademark, please write your request to:
Use the following Subject: Logo use request.
You can write your request in English, Italian, French, German, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish Languages.
Wildix Logo
The Wildix logo must always be used pursuant to the specifications provided below. Any use that falls outside of these specifications is strictly prohibited.


(Reseller, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond)
Logo Colour
CMYK: 100% 55% 10% 48%
RGB: 0 39 67
Pantone: 2955 C
x-bees logo
The x-bees logo must always be used pursuant to the specifications provided below. Any use that falls outside of these specifications is strictly prohibited.
Light version

Dark version

x-caracal logo
The x-caracal logo must always be used pursuant to the specifications provided below. Any use that falls outside of these specifications is strictly prohibited.
Light version

Dark version

The logo is not accompanied by the registered trademark symbol (®).
Keep exact proportions between logo elements.
The cat emblem and x-caracal typogram cannot be used separately from the logo.
Brand colour
The x-caracal brand colour is 70% PMC 7506 C Ivory.
Pantone 7506 C 70%
RGB 246 229 201
CMYK 0 5 18 0